Meditation can be defined as an art of quieting the mind. Meditation is an effective technique to unlock inherent power of the mind and the spirit to attain a focussed way of life. It mainly refers to renewal of our finer abilities related to spiritual self, physical self, emotional self, and psychological self. Since we all have inherent energies in varying limits, it is necessary to rejuvenate and balance these energies frequently in order to effectively perform normal activities with efficacy. Each of the above four components requires separate activities or exercises for empowerment and therefore it is essential to adopt different activities that can boost these capabilities enabling us to utilize our inherent power to the optimal limit. For example, meditation provides certain positive and lasting effect on emotional level and psychological level allowing us to understand the fundamentals of life, empowering our inner self, enabling us to see things that seemed to be impossible before, refine our capabilities, build peace and confidence, improve memory and cure many ailments such as insomnia, indecisiveness, etc. relating to emotional or psychological phenomenon. Meditation not only works on the emotional and mental level but also has a powerful influence on the spiritual level. There are many good examples of great personalities such as Swami Vivekananda who attained highest levels of enlightenment through regular practice of meditation. Like meditation, physical exercises can provide bodily strength, flexibility, boost immunity and stamina, and also enhance mental capability to some extent helping people to stay fit, resist common ailments like fatigue, depression, bodily pains, and build a sense of accomplishment as any physical activity that we perform builds a sense of achievement and confidence within us. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that meditation and exercises are adopted as habits and an indispensable component of personality since it directly influences out capability to perform mental, emotional, and physical tasks. I being a professional regularly practice meditation and engage myself in some physical activity such as exercises and brisk walking that helps me in staying fit and provides renewal to all the important components of self.
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