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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Inevitability of Artificial Intelligence to Humankind

With successful experimentation of AI embedment in monkeys the advent of AI has begun with seamless scope and opportunities of its human applications. AI is here to control, manage, lead, and dominate humankind and therefore AI shall play a key role in transforming humankind to the peak of intellectual brilliance. The efficiency, quality, reliability, accuracy and performance of an AI embedded human is matchless when compared to naturally intelligent human and thus the significance of AI in accelerating the process is evolution seems inevitable and indispensable.

With limited capabilities human have not been able to attain optimal development and advancement across diverse knowledge fields and thus the need for AI embedded beings that are humans yet majorly controlled and managed by artificial resource holds the key to accelerated advancement and optimized development of our race. It can be said that an AI embedded human would be far more capable than a normal human in terms of all critical and complex intellectual processes that primarily include but not limited to analytical abilities, mathematical abilities, superior application of logic and cognition, memory, lateral thinking abilities, precise decision making, situational awareness, future predictability, performance consistency, and varied other areas of intellectual phenomenon that normal humans have limited access to.                             

Considering the seamless scope and applicability of AI in humans it is inferable that future planetary phenomenon, wars, operations, geo-phenomenon, psychologies, trace and tractability of criminals and various other capabilities of mind could become conveniently achievable by embedment of AI into human brains. However, this may certainly pose a threat or danger to the ordinary since AI beings would be far better than the ordinary in terms of every brain capability and the challenge of replacing the ordinary by AI beings would in itself raise serious ethical, moral, and legal concerns. However, considering the limited and blunder-ful psychologies of ordinary humans the need of replacement seems inevitable if we want to accelerate the process of our intellectual evolution. The resistance of ordinary would prove futile considering the exponential capabilities of AI enabled human that is capable of performing the works of 10 or perhaps 100 due to its brilliant intellectual versatility. This would certainly prove to be the new beginning of our race.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


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Aerospace industries across the world is keen to exploit optimal advantages of composite materials by replacing conventional technologies and materials with innovative carbon, fibers, and reinforced polymers based composite materials that offer significant technological as well as commercial advantages over conventional materials and technologies. Increasing scope and applications of composite materials in diverse fields of aerospace industry strongly suggested that composites are here to stay for a significantly longer span of time as an extremely effective and efficiency replacement for conventional materials. Various studies conducted on implications of composite usage on the industry suggests that extensive use and applications of composite materials in varied technologies saves significant costs in manufacturing and maintenance due to fewer structural complexities, reduced assembly time and labor costs, substantially lowered operational costs that makes composites an invaluable material for the industry. 

Image result for sukhoi su-57

There are varied technological benefits of using composite materials in defense, military, space, and commerce in context to airborne machines that can be aptly derived from variety of composites as mentioned earlier.Some of the widely recognized advantages of composites are increased heat resistivity, resistance to strong winds, increased resistance to metal fatigue,greater tolerance to impacts,structural integrity and stability, and significantly lower weight that substantially adds value to performance and cost efficiency thereby satisfyingevery technological, mechanical, commercial, and industrial need. Light weightiness of aircrafts is an extremely invaluable technological advantage that conventional aircrafts could never offer that resulted in significant costs on fuel and greatly hindered efficiency, performance, and speed of the aircrafts.

Image result for images of dassault rafale jets      

Considering the various techno-economic benefits and commercial benefits derivable from composite it is inferred that composites are a revolutionary material bound to transform aerospace and other industries by bringing down manufacturing and maintenance costs significantly yet delivering optimal quality and performance benchmarks. The benefits of composites, namely, light weightiness, reduced assembly complications, and structural integrity as can be interpreted from findings of various studies definitely outweigh its demerits thus making it an unbeatable technological marvel for the industry. This study strongly recommends industry wide use and applications of composites to ensure and realize significant performance improvements and optimize the life of varied resources that employ composite materials. The  inferences drawn herein are immensely beneficial for amateur engineers and researcher that want to gain vital insights on applications and benefits of composites to various industries.